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Children's Care Fund Testimonial

Spellman Oliver 1

Oliver's Parents

My husband Tyler and I were asked in April of 2023 to adopt a baby boy from a WONDERFUL woman who was unable to keep her baby.

Tyler and I attended every doctors appointment and ER visit with her from then until Oliver was born. We knew there was a really good chance that Oliver was going to be born premature, but we didn't know how early he would come. At 32 weeks he was born on July 7th at 11:30am. He was instantly taken to the NICU and set-up to all the necessary medical machines. During our time in the NICU we were treated like family. We were welcomed every day and never had one bad experience. We were set up with Grady's Decision who also helped immensely! After 21 days we were discharged feeling confident in how to care for our baby boy because of the NICU staff and how they prepared us for this journey!

Children's Care Fund Bob-a-Thon Sponsors

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