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Children's Care Fund Testimonial

Beaumont 2

Millie's Mother, Mandy

Millie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at only 16 months old. She has lived with diabetes for over 11 years now and has been doing great. Unfortunately this past January I witnessed Millie having a grand mal seizure in her bed. It was a terrifying event to say the least.

After a 911 call, a trip to Hamot ER where several tests were run, then an appointment at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh for an EEG - we eventually learned that the seizure was not caused by low blood sugars but actually by epilepsy. When we received the news of her new diagnosis we were fortunate enough to receive this information from Dr. Patterson, who is the director of the Epilepsy Services, right here in Erie at the Speciality Clinic. The same clinic Millie has come to for so many years for her quarterly endocrinology appointments. Dr. Patterson explained to us that Millie has juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Another lifelong diagnosis. We were shocked to hear this, however, to receive it from a doctor who was able to explain it in such a matter of fact and calm way and in an office we are so familiar with was reassuring.

Millie is now on medicine for her epilepsy which she will be on for life, just like her insulin. Even through these past few difficult months, Millie has been able to maintain straight A's, keep up with her travel basketball, and handle it all with such grace and grit. I am so incredibly proud of her.

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