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Children's Care Fund Testimonial

Augustino 1

Augustino's mother, Caileigh

According to the OB doctor at my last prenatal visit, I was having a very boring, textbook pregnancy. That all changed when I woke up one morning at 33 weeks with unusual bleeding.

My husband rushed me to the women’s hospital as safely as he could where they monitored me for three days. By this time I was at 34 weeks and still having bleeding which had us very nervous.

After discussion of what was going on and the options on the table, I was given two doses of steroids to help develop the baby’s lungs. There was talk of me going home on bed rest, but 12 hours later I started to get contractions and the doctor broke my water sending labor one step closer! We were soon going to meet our beautiful boy who was born at 6 lbs 1 Oz. I was told that I had a placental abruption and it could’ve been very detrimental for the both of us if I had not gone to the hospital, so we’re very thankful we went in when we did. Being 6 weeks early my husband and I knew he was going to be in the NICU but we were so scared of the whole process with being new parents. You always expect to have a baby and be home a few days later so the NICU stay had us very uneasy and with lots of questions.

Augustino was a fighter from day one! Our boy didn’t need oxygen at all and was only on a feeding tube for the first couple days of life. He was in the NICU for almost 3 weeks with 2 false hopes of going home because he was having some irregular breathing patterns. My husband and I were so anxious to bring him home and start our life but we knew he was right where he needed to be.

Every nurse we had cared for our baby so well, I cannot thank them enough. One of the nurses, Miss Mary drew Augustino a picture and treated us like family from day one. Every time we saw her our spirits would lighten and we knew that Augustino was in good hands. We are so thankful for the love we received while being anxious new parents in such an unexpected situation.

We are so grateful for the entire NICU staff and Hamot Health Foundation/Grady’s Decision who gave us a safe place to stay. It was so comforting knowing that we could walk a block and see our baby boy. Augustino is 8 months old now, he is such a happy baby and full of life!

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