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Children's Care Fund Testimonial

Raelynn's Mother, Monica

I had just graduated nursing school and we were eager start a family. We were excited the minute we found out we were pregnant with her.

Baker 3

I was working midnights as a PCT at the hospital while my husband was starting to take over a lawn care business. Our pregnancy was totally normal and we weren't having any issues. We found out we were having a girl and couldn't wait! On February 3rd I passed my boards!! On February 7th I wasn't feeling good so I decided to check my blood pressure. When I saw how high it was I called the OB office and was told to come straight in. Within an hour they had me out of there and into the ICU at Magee-Womens in Pittsburgh. Raelynn was having drops in her heart rate and they decided it was time to get her out via a c-section. Our beautiful angel was born February 9th at 11:38 am, weighing 1 pound 10 ounces. She spent a long 97 days in the NICU between Magee-Womens in Pittsburgh and at UPMC Hamot. When she got to UPMC Hamot, they set me up in one of the NICU Apartments and I was able to be there every day with her. I think that really helped all of us. They were so welcoming and willing to help with anything. All of the nurses would try to help when I had questions. Even one of the doctors sat down with me one day to explain what was happening and what they were looking for with her eye exams. We are home now and she is thriving thanks to all the hard work she has received from the NICU.

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