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Hamot Health Foundation Welcomes Three New Board Members

Hamot Health Foundation is very excited to welcome Danielle Bates, Harold “H” Bender, and Dr. Lauren Donatelli-Seyler to the Hamot Health Foundation Board of Trustees.

Board bates
Board bender
Board donatelli

Our new board members join us from Accudyn Products, Inc., Team Hardinger, and Great Lakes Surgical Specialists, respectively, and we are looking forward to the valuable and unique perspectives that each will bring to the Board.

These members were voted in at the annual Board of Corporators meeting on Thursday, Oct. 19. In that meeting, 37 new members were voted onto our Board of Corporators, and Richard A. Merwin and Thomas A. Tupitza, Esq. were elected to honorary life Corporators.

As the meeting continued, Boo Hagerty highlighted just a few ways in which our five C’s are guiding our projects and our vision. As our focus on Capital, Centers of excellence, Continuing education, Community health, and Cutting-edge research narrows, we also recognized a sixth C – Collaboration – and we showed the 21 organizations that we have partnered with over the last year to strengthen each of those five C’s.

One particular collaborative relationship we are very proud of will be featured at the upcoming 7th Annual Gala on Jan. 6, 2018. We will be honoring The Erie Community Foundation for their years of commitment to Hamot Health Foundation and the health care needs of this community.

Invitations will be mailed early next month, but tickets are available for purchase on our website. This year’s gala features event design by LUXE Creative out of Pittsburgh and entertainment by Jump Street Band out of Washington D.C., and we are pulling out all the stops to make this our best event ever!

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