Hamot Health Foundation Expands Impact with New Director Position
Hamot Health Foundation will accelerate our momentum in addressing social determinants of health with a newly-created executive role: the Director of Social Impact. This position will drive innovative new projects throughout Erie County that address societal challenges and provide equitable opportunities for all members of our community. The scope of this work is vast and involves addressing important community issues, such as trusted access to health care, safe and affordable housing, training and career development, and access to healthy food. HHF looks to continue leading transformative initiatives in Erie, drawing on the success and lessons learned from projects like Wayne Primary Care, MWRI – Erie, ECAT, and the Wayne School redevelopment.
HHF is pleased to announce that Daria Devlin of the Erie Center for Arts and Technology will be joining their team as the Director of Social Impact effective June 19th. In this role, Daria will retain executive oversight of ECAT while directing HHF’s social determinants of health strategies.
“Daria has been working with HHF in various capacities for over a decade,” said Charles “Boo” Hagerty, President of Hamot Health Foundation. “This is a perfect evolution of the collaborative relationship between HHF and ECAT. It speaks to what we’ve proven we can accomplish as individual organizations and what we can accomplish collectively.”
Daria has demonstrated her expertise with driving growth, leading dynamic teams, and steering redevelopment throughout her role as ECAT’s Executive Director. She is widely recognized as the key component of ECAT’s strength and progress. She was involved in the organization when it was a fledgling idea and has guided it into the life-changing community asset that it is today. By every estimation, the Wayne redevelopment project is a phenomenal success.
“I will work closely with the ECAT team and continue to expand our reach in the East Avenue neighborhood,” said Devlin. “This new role will allow me to continue the collaborative work with HHF and other Erie nonprofits that seek to expand the breadth and depth of our mission throughout the community.”
Daria holds a master’s degree in educational leadership and currently serves as the President of the Erie School Board. She is a member of the board of directors for the Erie Western PA Port Authority and the City of Erie Land Bank.
With Daria assuming the Director of Social Impact position at HHF, we have never been more optimistic about the future and the impact we will have in our community. We encourage all readers to stay tuned for social impact updates – they may arrive in inboxes sooner than you’d think!